Welcome to WeaveAndSpin, a wix-based website sponsored by Reclaiming Quarterly. This site aims to present classic and current material from Reclaiming tradition writers.
WeaveAndSpin especially focuses on text-based postings, and can be read on most devices. Our older site, ReclaimingQuarterly.org, features some back issues as well as many photo features.
Both sites feature links to chant recordings, back issues, worldwide Reclaiming groups - with more being added all the time.
Help proofread our site! If you spot a bad link or any other problems with the site, drop us a line at ReclaimingQuarterly@gmail.com
Help create and support our wix site - free on-the-job training! Learn to create pages, post articles and photos, create links - and help create an amazing online resource for all of Reclaiming!
This site and its contents copyright 2018 by Reclaiming Quarterly. Links to our pages are welcome. Please contact us for reprint and other rights: ReclaimingQuarterly@gmail.com
About Reclaiming
Reclaiming is an international network of people committed to changing the world through magic and activism. Our vision is rooted in the religion and magic of the Goddess, the Immanent Life Force. We see our work as teaching and making magic: the art of empowering ourselves and each other. In our classes, workshops, and public rituals, we train our voices, bodies, energy, intuition, and minds. We use the skills we learn to deepen our strength, both as individuals and as community, to voice our concerns about the world in which we live, and bring to birth a vision of a new culture.
Reclaiming is also the name of our tradition.
Founded around 1980 in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Reclaiming tradition now includes several dozen regional communities across the Americas and in Europe and Australia. Find local contacts here.
A 501c3 nonprofit called Reclaiming Collective is based in San Francisco. Several other Reclaiming communities are also organized as 501c3 nonprofits.
Find events, classes, and witchcamps at Reclaiming.org, Witchcamp.org, and BayAreaReclaiming.org
Follow our current posts on this site - and find 30 years of archives and special features at ReclaimingQuarterly.org
Thanks to all who have created this and past RQ sites, and especially those who have helped ready this site for launch: Luz (tech anchor), George (content anchor), Marcia, Luke, Sass, Debi, Meg.
Email us if you want to help: ReclaimingQuarterly@gmail.com
Photo credits Home Page, About Page: Urania, Luz, George Franklin, Luke Hauser