Reclaiming Archives & Memorabilia - visit our old website for tons of archives & features!
RQ has been collecting archives for the past decade and making them available on our old site (
Now we've compressed a broad sampling and posted them as a single, free download. There's also a sub-collection of just the Spiral Dance files.
The Reclaiming Quarterly archives also feature our complete back issues.
Complete back issues of Reclaiming Newsletter and Quarterly
Full Reclaiming Archives ZIP - email us at
Spiral Dance Sub-Set ZIP - email us at​
​ - visit our old website for tons more archives & features!
Reclaiming Archives ZIP - Contents
- Spiral Dance scripts, music, flyers, etc
- various witchcamp flyers, brochures, camp packets etc
- Crossing Over - original version of Pagan Book of Living & Dying
- outlines from the early 1990s Multi-Cultural rituals
- outlines from local SF rituals and events
- various flyers, promocards, handbills, etc
- and much more!
The RQ Archives Project
We're making history - one scan at a time! Help collect Reclaiming-related archive materials and make them available.
You can donate or loan materials to RQ - email us - see below. You can also donate tax-deductibly - visit or email us.
We also need help scanning and reviewing files - get the first peek and help make our history available!
Email us at <>