Climate Justice 2019!
Several thousand Bay Area activists shut down the central financial district of San Francisco, known as Wall Street West.
Street blockades closed a ten-block area. Teams of artists then painted two dozen street murals along Montgomery Street. A couple of affinity groups were arrested while blockading the rear employee entrance to Wells Fargo and a few more in a mural drop, but otherwise police stayed in the background. Those arrested were cited and released in a short time.
The tone of the day was hopeful and creative - and as you'll see below, Reclaiming wasn't the only group doing ritual in the streets.
The September 25 actions were part of international climate justice events, including the global student strike on September 20.
Reclaiming's Bay Area Pagan Cluster - Witches Invoking Creative Climate Action, or WICCA - organized a ritual for mid-afternoon. We processed down California Street singing We Are the Rising Sun, then did a short Equinox ritual in the middle of the "mural district" of Montgomery Street, ending with a spiral dance to Our Hands Will Work for Peace and Justice (Harvest Chant).
Call to Action from the Climate Justice SF coalition | Slide show photos by Luke Hauser